1. Following Nora's character arc, how did her upbringing and homelife impact the choices she made early on and in the final chapters of Beneath the Swaying Willow?

2. What factors negatively impacted Russ' mental health prior to his deployment, while he was actively serving and after he returned home to Swanset?

3. What societal issues of the early 1970's woven throughout the pages of Beneath the Swaying Willow mirror those of today?

4. Our individual differences are related to many factors such as our beliefs, abilities, attitudes and sexuality. What are the differences between Nora and Josie's personalities? Give some examples of how Josie may have influenced Nora's thoughts, feelings and opinions. 

5. What are some resources available today to help veterans like Russ and others suffering with mental health issues that were not available in the early 1970's?

6. In Beneath the Swaying Willow we see examples of the impact that destructive words and actions can have on others. Can you give an example of a situation that occurred or one that you witnessed that opened your mind, impacted your life or changed you for the better?

7. How did the Nora you were introduced to in the first chapter of Beneath the Swaying Willow differ from the Nora at the end of the novel? 

8. Reflecting on the choices Nora made, if you were in her shoes is there anything you would have done differently? If so, what?